Our Policy
Your privacy is important to us. Therefore, to better protect your privacy, we are providing this notice to you that explains the way we utilize the information you provide and the commitment we provide to protect your personal information.
The Information We Collect
This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on this website. On some pages you can make requests and register to receive materials. The types of personal information collected may include your name, postal address, billing address, email address, phone number, fax number, and account information for purposes of payment. You may wish to subscribe to our mailing list to receive news reserved only for those on our mailing list.
Please note that we strive to keep our mailing list up to date. If we have inadvertently sent email to you, please let us know. Many mailings are completed in advance, so you may continue to receive mail after you unsubscribe. We appreciate your patience in giving us time to carry out your request.
Non-identifying and aggregate information is utilized to improve the functionality of our website. We may use your IP address to identify you as a user so that we may track how you used our website. This information is solely used to track a generic user to help us understand user patterns to improve the site. If you register for an event online, we track your IP address in order to protect against fraud. If you do not, your IP address will be deleted from our tracking in less than 30 days. We share this information with no other parties unless we suspect a clear case of fraud or cyber crime. If we detect an instance of cyber crime, we will report all data immediately to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Cyber Crime Division immediately.
Children’s Privacy
Pursuant to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (effective April 21, 2000), this will serve as official notice that the Phoenix Public Library Foundation does not knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of 18. If you are a parent of a child under the age of 18 and you have questions about this site or our information collection practices, please feel free to contact us at info@phoenixlibraryfoundation.
Finally, we never sell or share your personal information that you have provided to us online. Information collected is the sole property of the Phoenix Public Library Foundation.