Since 1997, the Phoenix Public Library Foundation has been the fundraising partner for Phoenix Public Library and an impetus for PPL to convert its strategic initiatives (Connect-Engage-Inspire) into new, expanded and highly engaging programs and services for all ages. Through its support, the Foundation has enabled PPL to establish partnerships with civic and education organizations. Drawing on the expertise paired in those partnerships, PPL has been able to attract expanded audiences and offer new, dynamic, and relevant services for children, teens, adults, and families. These strategic partnerships, intentional outreach, and expansion of programs have created true impact and social change in Phoenix.

The Phoenix Public Library Foundation is proud of the fiscal framework it has put in place which allows Phoenix Public Library to maintain a seat at the table. With the Foundation’s enhanced support, Phoenix Public Library is actively providing expertise in workforce development, education, small business start-ups, computer sciences and college readiness. As a result, Phoenix Public Library has enriched lives and launched lifelong dreams through its presence. Most importantly, Phoenix Public Library is now strategically going into areas of need where they can make a direct impact.

Phoenix Public Library Foundation’s Focus Areas:

  • Offering impactful programs that improve early literacy and reading skills and capabilities for children and families
  • Significantly bolstering access to educational programs for those seeking to accomplish high school, college and career goals
  • Providing meaningful learning environments designed for collaborating, meeting, sharing, and creating
  • Expanding its capacity to continue as a premier cultural destination and community venue

How Your Donations Help

Inspire Early Literacy

Enrich Lives

Grow The Economy

Donate to make a difference

What We Fund

Kindergarten Bootcamp

This 7 week program gives parents the tools, information, and activities to help prepare their children for school success.

Story Time and Early Literacy Outreach

The Library offers children’s story time with parent education to help parents and children gain literacy skills. These programs are offered at all libraries and out in the community at community centers, Head Start and pre-school classes.

College Depot

A free, full-service college access center located at Burton Barr Central Library. Our team of college planning advisors and assistants offer one-on-one appointments and workshops regarding admissions, financial aid, and scholarships.

Summer Reading Program

Maricopa County Reads is a county-wide reading program for all ages. It's structured on the premise that children should read 20 minutes a day to maintain and improve their reading skills – especially in the summer! The "summer slide" is real and children often lose ground in math and reading, which becomes cumulative year after year. About 25,000 Phoenicians participate each summer and earn free books to keep, craft kits, tote bags, park passes, and other fun prizes.

Career Online High School

Through our Career Online High School we offer the life-changing opportunity for adults to earn an accredited high school diploma and a certificate in a high-growth/high-demand career field.